Pro Life Matters, Now More Than Ever
Gospa Missions Conference at the
Camp, Speaker Eric Scheidler from Pro-Life Action League
By Daniel Rodan Weikert
Just days before the fierce presidential
race came to its close, Gospa Missions held it’s Catholic Conference at the Camp. Speaker, Eric Scheidler, Executive
Director for the Pro-Life Action League offered insight regarding details on
the HHS Mandate, the country’s current situation and every Catholics mission to
support the unborn’s right to life. America’s decision will have serious
ramifications for the pro-life movement. Eric pointed out however “Today, more
than ever, God is calling Christians in this day and age to stand up for pro-life
values and ideas”.
Speaking of Ideas and how they matter,
Eric outlined and referred to the “Phenomenon of the Pro-Life Catholic” and
“four reasons for the Catholic domination of the Pro- Life movement”. Here’s a
1.) Devotion to Our Lady. Catholics understand the
value and sacredness of the Blessed Virgins womb, the place where the New Ark
of the Covenant and Light of the World become flesh. Abortion seeks to kill in
the place that we know is Sacred.2.) The Holy Eucharist. The doctrine, reality and presence of Jesus being in the Eucharist and working miracles that lead to life via the host is only in the Catholic Church. It is a literal IN the Church. While many claim to have relationship with Christ, we actually hang out with Him! This closeness leads Catholics to be very engaged in the teachings and movements related to life.
Structure of the Church. Simply put, the robust nature of Roman Catholicism
gives us more resources, direction and leadership. Documents, official teachings
and the hierarchy’s leadership empower Catholics to stand firm in the face of
the world.
4.) Humanae
Vitae, the Churches official teaching on the sanctity of life. When one reads
the document; the supernaturally true, philosophically logical and spiritually
powerful teachings of Christ’s Church regarding current issues of life come
into focus and can inspire us.
we believe what we do is only part of the equation of being informed. Part of the
universal healthcare system labeled “Obama-care” includes the hotly debated HHS
Mandate. The HHS Mandate inevitably puts itself on a collision course
ideologically, morally and practically with historical Christian values and
beliefs. The obvious issue of forcing religious institutions to offer sterilization,
abortive drugs and birth control, we all know offends the teachings of the
Church and potentially forces millions into a conflict with their beliefs and
conscience. Mr. Scheidler also points out the whole HHS philosophical premise
is anti-Catholic, saying “The Mandate treats pregnancy almost like a disease
and motherhood as a treatable condition.” As if something were “wrong” with
them. He continued “Catholics cannot adopt this backwards ideology”
HHS supporters will cite the religious
exemption in the legislation, however, this exemption, as Scheidler observes
“Seeks to limit religious influence through its oppressive definition of how a
religious institution can operate”. The definition is based off of narrow
wording in the tax code and applies to institutions only when dealing with those
who share their faith. This seriously affects the ability to offer service to
millions, effectively muting the mouth of the Church and tying her hands in its
attempt to help in these fields.
The precedent it sets though is even worse.
If the Government can control who we (private institutions) reach out to and
how we do it in the health system, then what could follow? We’ve already seen
its affects on American Catholic orphanages, closing many doors because
Catholic organizations followed the Church and sociological research and would
not adopt children to homosexual couples. Will schools be next on this slippery
slope of state infringing on Church, effectively forcing a new secular moral
and value system?
Mr. Schiedler related a simple but powerful
theological reflection to our conflict with the HHS Mandate. Catholics must
follow Our Ladies “yes” to issues of
life as she did with Christ’s biological one, instead of the Mandate’s “no”.
Of course, putting our faith into action
has always been a vital component of Catholicism. “We need boots on the ground”
Eric stated. “If Obama care is the new lay of the land, then the pro-life
movement must speak out for truth. Religious freedom needs to be defended and
our rights acted in, our work is just beginning to recreate a Christian culture
and a culture of life.”
Eric Scheidler is the executive
director of the Pro-Life Action League. The League recruits, equips and trains
pro-lifers to put their convictions into action at the grassroots level via activism,
education and witness. For more info see
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